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SaveHumsa as the precursor of End Ethnic Cleansing

SaveHumsa as the precursor of End Ethnic Cleansing

Although it was demolished several times during 2020/1, the residents of Humsa showed unprecedented steadfastness in the face of Israeli bulldozers and military jeeps. The more resistance the community showed, the more violence Israeli forces committed. The most malicious of these violent practices was the demolition of the residents’ tents, confiscation of water tanks, food and furniture and the besiege of the community for days without the basic human needs until people there had to move to a different area in the Jordan Valley.
Many activists visited the inhabitants in Humsa more than once to express support to them and appreciation of their sumud. We also documented Israeli crimes committed against Palestinians in Humsa
and worked together with different Palestinian and international organizations to raise awareness, ring the case to the United Nations and call for accountability internationally. International institutions jointly with Al-Haq have launched a call for action urging the UN Human Rights Council to stop the ethnic cleansing of Humsa. As part of the call, 5000 people across the world signed a petition we released to pressure the UN HRC to act. Shahd Qaddoura of Al-Haq also delivered the calls to the UN HRC meeting on March 18 in an oral intervention.

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